How to not feel awkward when making videos?

I have a youtube channel which I used to play minecraft on with one of my friends, after the first 2 videos I stopped feeling as awkward but now he has moved away and can't make videos but I want to. I haven't made one in about half a year but I want to start again but it just feels too awkward. I always feel like everyone in my house is listening to me, any tips?

These are a few tips I use myself, and it completely massaged out the awkwardness. I don't know where they came from, though, I guess myself.

1) Maybe prepare a few topics to talk about before hand, so there isn't an awkward silence in the air
- Example: Playing Hunger Games, a topic could be how you hate donators and all their noobiness
2) Try to practice whenever you can, like in front of a mirror, or heck, even in the shower. And do it in front of people you trust, but you may talk awkwardly with as well.
3) Try developing routines, like for example, introing like… This: "Hey guys, blah blah blah here with another you're video!", or having a little outro.
4) Humor is your best friend. Crack a joke whenever possible, it makes you feel a bit more comfortable.
5) Maybe do it with a few friends. If your family allows you to, you could make a couple of friends through youtube, and do videos with them. As it seems that a friend makes things less awkward for ya.
6) Feel free to express how you're feeling about something in game, or if you're comfortable enough, in real life. For example: "Gah! When will this stupid map ever end! Guys. I think this map. Just. Broke. My. Logic."
7) You can make it so that you feel awkward, but your audience thinks your as comfortable as a couch. Try practicing your acting if all the above fail.

That's about all I have to say! Good luck, and I'm curious what your channel is, so I get to see your videos, if you ever do get confident enough to.

I agree with Alicia but also get to know your audience. Once you have made a few videos it becomes more natural and creates a connection with your viewers. Once that connection has been established you will start to feel more like you are talking to your audience rather than your camera. Hope this helps.

Thank you! That was by far the most informative response I've received on this website. And those were great tips aswell, only question I have is tips for not feeling awkward around my family hearing me. I don't feel roo awkward video wise, but I do feel extremely awkward when I think my family can hear me.