I'm making quality youtube videos, but still have no views? Ideas?

Hi, well you see recently I have created a Minecraft gaming channel, where I showcase how to build small structures, decoration ideas, or even minecraft fact videos, so far I'm working on my 3rd video and i notice every day I still have no Views or subscribers, I fill out everything, I've done extensive research on what to do. There's no narration, just relaxing minecraft background music. I have taken note from many famous minecraft youtubers yet seem not to be appealing.

Any Advice?

Let me know what you think, Channel: https://www.youtube.com/...i-x0gtIjQA

It takes years to build up a following. Took me 3 years before I got more than 10 views on a video.

Plus there are hundreds of people doing minecraft videos and tutorials. If you want to get some viewers and followers, you need to be doing something UNIQUE! Something that NO ONE has done on the Internet yet.

Don't just be another fish in the pond, be a rainbow fish.

Oh and be prepared for hate. You'll get about 3 times as much hate as you will supporters. But you need to develop a thick skin and just carry on. Turn a blind eye and keep being yourself - but be special.

Things like this take time but don't give up or you will regret it when I started YouTube it took me 2 years to earn 20 subscribers and I'm happy with that

Do you actually understand how many "Minecraft gaming" channel's there are, there's millions! Minecraft is a dying game to play for YouTube in my opinion unless you are already out there or work with a bigger Minecraft YouTuber, you have either made it or you haven't with hundreds of channels being crated a day and thousands of Minecraft videos being posted a day you're doing to have to do something Really unique to try stand out from the rest.

You have uploaded videos for 3 days, with my 2 years on YouTube i only started getting any views when i posted more often and frequently. It taken me about 6 months to get 100 subs, then 1 year to get 2k subs, and now 2 years 6 months later i have 40k subs, i too started with Minecraft and that was 2 YEARS ago! It went nowhere, although now people really like my channel and want me to do Minecraft more in which i'm very happy to hear.

I agree with Emily, by following in the footsteps of other YouTubers and "doing what they do" you sort of fall into a trap where you pretty much be them in a sense, and it's not always the best.

Keep uploading for a straight month and see how you find it, if you love it then do it! It's always good to have a passion for it rather than doing it for any other incentive, unless it had meaning.

Good luck on your YouTube journeys, if you have any questions feel free to email me. My YouTube is "Luke Games" youtube.com/lukegamesofficial i still get low views but that's because over time people start watching others then come back eventually. P.S. I have subscribed, and i'm your first subscriber. I will be keeping check on how your channel goes.

Cause your cancer kid

Share it with friends, it will create a cycle where more people will find out about your channel.