Why do i not feel like doing anything anymore?

I'm 14 and i domt feel like doing anything anymore i used too love drawing, working on my bros car with him, watching F1 with my dad, walking, playing cod and minecraft and other stuff but for the past like 4 or 5 months i don't feel like doing that anymlre any of it i just tried drawing again and i just thought nah i can't be bothered so i didn't and the last time i drew was the 19/3/14 (i mark my drawings with the date) and that was a car and i tried drawing one again now but i couldnt just couldnt the only things i can be bothered doin is lisenin too music and reading (sometimes but rarely) when i walk i think its a chkre and get very bored my friend says i'm depressed but i'm not sure i'm sad and down about my looks and not having friends and sruff but i don't know
Why am i feeling like this

Your just changing, it happens when your young. You might be depressed, but try to find different things to do. Sports, different types of games, painting, new T.V shows, all those are great things to try.