What do I need to start making gaming videos on YouTube?

I want to start making YouTube videos. I want to record Minecraft videos and other games, I have an Xbox 360 Slim. I also need to record commentary so I'm guessing I will need some sort of mic or headset. I would like the products to be cheap but good quality. I don't really have a budget but the cheaper the better. Also could you please provide the price & where to buy in your answer!

Powerful computers, recording software made for game recording, cool games and you're good to go. Just do whatever you fell comfortable.

Becoming a youtube gamer is a big thing nowadays and you have competition. When you start off, its slow at first but keep making videos and sharing yourself and people are sure to find and follow you.

-Make sure you have a gaming computer (or one that is compatible at running decent games).
-(PC) Get a recording program. Fraps is one thing that people use a lot but I prefer Mirillis Action.
-(Xbox) Get a capture card. Some are costly like around $25-$50 or the really good ones for +$100 but Amazon has a variety. You could also check BestBuy. I wouldn't go for ones that's $10 or below, check their reviews to be sure they work well and what quality they produce. You also need other cables to help connect the xbox, capture card, and computer together (they vary depending on the capture card).
-A good editing program. I suggest Sony Vegas Pro since it has good number of tools and effects. If you have a MAC computer, Final Cut Pro. If you wanna make good youtube videos, please don't use Movie Maker or IMovie, its so limited and some quality is hard to control and crashes.
-Check for copyright issues. Some companies are picky about their games being used and your videos could be flagged and reported if you didn't get permissions to use them (same goes for pictures and music).

Once you got you got everything you need to record and make videos, your good to go. Sorry that these stuff seem expensive but there's no cheaper way. There's an "alternative" way of getting programs but I can't really say, you have to find out about it on your own. Once you got a youtube thing going, share your channel, visit gaming groups and communites, throw yourself out there for people to notice you. Here's a tip video: http://www.youtube.com/...shelf_id=1

I wish you luck good sir~
If you ever want to collab videos, here's my channel: http://www.youtube.com/...arkboy1010