How hot should Macbook Pro get?

I have a 17inch i7 MacBook Pro from late 2011, When I do something like render video footage or run a game like Minecraft it gets seriously hot for a computer in my opinion.

It usually maxes out around according to SMC Fan Control which takes the core temp.

I've got two of these i7 Macbooks, the other is a 15inch model from late 2011 also which gets just as hot.

I find it quite worrying for these machines are extremely expensive in my situation and I really can't afford to replace them, also the 17 inch model was discontinued due to not enough sales and it's my much preferred working computer due to the extra screen size.

So how hot should these be getting?
Is okay for a Macbook pro under a work load?

When I render on my PC which is fitted with an intel i5 quad core processor, it doesn't get nearly as hot, you'd be looking at max, although it is water cooled, so I would be pretty happy if someone could let me know. Cheers.

Well i do believe that computers and laptops and macs can get extremely hot because when rendering a video, uploading a video, or even recording a video the application you are using uses quite a lot of the processor but when you are rendering a video it basically uses up about 50% to about 75% of your processor, so yeah it will get hot also if you are getting worried you should buy a laptop cooling mat to place your laptop/mac on so it will make the computer less hot and the fan should be quiter while the cooling mat it cooling you motherboard/processor down.