How do you get anywhere to begin with in Minecraft?

I got it and I don't know what to do?

Added (1). I don't mean just to move I mean to make progress in the game.

If it's on a computer use w for forward, a to go left, s to go backwards, and d to go right and spacebar to jump

Punch a tree. Make a crafting table by filling the inventory crafting panel with wooden planks (type doesn't matter), and head from there. They've implemented a crafting helper so you can see the recipes without having to go to the wiki.

You'll want to then get a wooden pickaxe, make a cobblestone one, a furnace, a simple building, kill spiders for string to make a bed, and so on and so forth.

There's one way to beat the game and that's to kill the ended dragon if you play in survival this can take 100 hours killing endermen is the only way to get the needed materials to do it. I have no interest in killing it tho I'd rather just build, farm and mine


oh and space

Snap the disk or delete the files

Uninstall it. It has viruses,

Jk. Worser.

I had that same problem so someone came over to show me how to play and they Pretty much just mined and collected different material