How do begin to get famous on YouTube?

Me and my friend like to do bo2 trickshoting

This is a list of some of the stuff you need to get noticed:

1.) Upload good quality videos. If you are recording console gameplays, buy a good capture card. I would suggest the ElGato Gaming Capture Card
2.) Upload regularly. Try to upload daily. At least 4-5 days a week. Maybe skip a day like Sunday or whatever day you want. But DON'T upload once a month. You can upload once a week, but you won't get that much views.
3.) Do voice commentary on your videos. It's boring just to see a game footage without anyone talking. Try to do it LIVE (talk WHILE you are playing, and NOT a voice over)
4.) If you are doing videos like Minecraft, try to play with a friend. It is much more fun to do it with friends, than alone.

This are some tips that I could give. This at least got me to 100 subs.

Do something creative on your channel to get viral, make videos people would be interested in watching, maybe some comedy or music cover, etc