Do I play video games to much? How much do pro gamers usually spend?

So I love video games big fan of sports games and minecraft 7 days to die Ect but I feel like I maybe spend to much time? I play all day sometimes like 6-7 hours but I also play basketball but weekend I play a good amount if hours so I'm wondering if I should cut back and also how many hours does a professional spend?

Umm I'm no professional, but I usually play from 5-9 hrs a day. Professionals vary with amounts of time they play. Really matters what they're a pro of in the gaming world.

I usually play 4-5 hours a day. Take a day off from gaming and technology completely once a week or so. You should definitely stay really active, or you will get serious health issues when you're older because of all the sititng involved with gaming.

People who are TRYING to become pro can spend up to 10 hours a day playing. People who are pro's usually play less than that.

It's completely down to you, i don't have a set time i play each week i just play it when i have spare time and i feel like playing. If your worried about it then perhaps you should cut back, but i really wouldn't worry about it too much. As long as you're staying active, spending time with friends and working hard then who's to say how much time you should or shouldn't play.