Is it right to spend money on video games(specifically minecraft)?

So my friends and I occasionally play minecraft. However, 2 of them play nonstop and take VERY seriously. They are both very spoiled and don't seem to care about the hard work their parents do for the money they are wasting. Of their donor ship transactions they have spent at LEAST a couple hundred bucks each on only 1 server. Each membership they get is $40 for three months only. Do you think it is right for them to be so obsessed with a video game that they are spending hundreds of dollars on a VIDEO GAME. I really want to prove them wrong about their choices because they are so obsessed that it is the only thing they will ever talk about at school and everywhere.

Yes, it is stupid to spend that much on a single game. When you start to think of a video game as a very serious thing, then there's something wrong with you. To spend not only your own money, but the money your parents worked hard to provide is incredibly selfish and wrong from a social standpoint. Plus, there are much better games out there that don't cost so much money to play.

I would say it's okay to spend money on video games. DEPENDING on wether it's appropriate. In your case… I don't think it's appropriate if they do not care that they are blowing money they are obviously spoiled like you said. I play video games and I spend money on games and games only. I spend about 50 dollars at the most on video games a year (besides the actual games). I think that should be the limit because obsessive game playing is a problem and if they are obsessed their parents should be concerned and set limits. Otherwise you shouldn't get to caught up in it. It's their life and their choices and if they want to blow money and sit in front of a tv screen all day. Let them. That will teach them one day. I don't know if it helped but I hope it gave you an idea.