Computer addiction/Running from problems

I'm a 13 year old girl in the 8th grade. Everyday after school, I run to the computer. I love watching YouTube videos, and playing Minecraft. I've had so much trouble finding other hobbies that interest me, so I run to the computer when I have nothing else to do. I don't do sports, or school clubs. I'm not very social, especially since my best friend just recently left me for no reason. My obsession with being on the computer is so much worse too when I start thinking about the things that make me sad. Can anyone give me any hobby ideas, or things to keep me away from the computer, I think it's getting a big unhealthy for me, and it makes me hate myself.

Video games?


Talk to your parents. I'm sure they d be happy to take the computer away from you.

Do you keep your computer inside your room? Limit yourself to the time you would need it to do research or type your homework. Organize your desk and set up a system. You can use Post-its to label what you should do first, and follow up with each succeeding task.

You should have something to look forward to after school that gets you excited other than going online. Why not buy some books or magazines about topics that interest you? Always choose the paperback edition or go to second-hand book shops so you won't need to spend a lot.

Also, have you tried solving puzzles? Back in 2008 I got addicted to Sudoku, and I still challenge myself to solve several puzzles a month. You can go to a bookstore and look for books with tons and tons of Sudoku puzzles.

If you want, try easing into structured exercise, as no one can deny the benefits of physical activity. Make your routine relatively easy at first, and it should last no longer than 15-20 minutes, but do it three to four times a week.

Well, you know what you're doing and why. I would say volunteer work. I work at an animal shelter petting and brushing cats. I love it. Work at a library, a elementary school, etc.