Minecraft running poorly on gaming computer?

I just got Minecraft for PC today, and it's running terribly. It's borderline unplayable.

My specs are:
i7 3770K
Radeon HD 7950 3GB

I also have 673GB left on my hard drive.
Is there a setting I have to turn off in order for it to run smoothly, or what?
Thanks in advance.

Added (1). I play every other game, like Battlefield 4 and Bioshock Infinite really smoothly. So it's strange that Minecraft out of all games runs badly.

You should probably have a computer technician come take a look at it

Well mine craft in a very CPU intensive game along with all the 32 bit graphics and random generation it takes a very powerful machine to load such processes well.

Lol just joking sounds like a driver problem check with a official Microsoft driver update and then download them your self if all else fail get a technician or if you have warranty check on that.

Re install minecraft maybe its time to upgrade.