Can I play these games on 4gb of ram?

I want to buy a dell Inspiron laptop and it has a 4gb of ram for a good deal. So I was wondering if I can play team fortress 2, APB reload, league of legend, world of tanks, minecraft, global counter strike, thanks for the help.

Team Fortress 2, Minecraft and Counter Strike works and I think League of Legends works too. Just make sure the laptop doesn't have integrated graphics card. It will decrease the performance quiet a bit. Also make sure that the graphics card is good enough for those games.

To be honest 4gb of ram is good, but it doesn't all matter on the ram. You have to have a good graphics card and CPU. These are good ways to tell if you can run a game. Also you should check out: you can find out what games you can and can't run through their awesome, " can I run it" feature.

Yes… But they're going to be unbearably slow.

1: Inspiron is a business laptop, and is not going to contain a separate video card. This means your laptop is already using your RAM to run the video system which is bad.

2: 8GB is really the minimum nowadays for any computer. It's not that expensive and will boost your overall performance no matter what you're doing.