I'm trying out a flat biome - the whole things seems to be a mix between the flatness of the plains and the grass and trees of a snowy mountain with some trees here and there. There's no water to be found anywhere, and animals are rare. There are supposed to be villages and or dungeons, etc in this biome somewhere, but I haven't been able to find them. So I have no source of water. It is currently snowing in my biome. Is there a way that I can melt the snow blocks into water?
Can I get water from snow blocks in Minecraft?
No. Sorry man. If it were ice it would be a different story
No. Sorry dude. But why would you want water when you can have SNOWMEN AND SNOWBALLS!
No you can't, but if you get 2 buckets full of water you can create an infinite supply of water.
Simply break a 2x2 hole in the ground, 1 block deep and put water at opposing sides, and tada infinite water.
|w| e|
| e|w|
E= Empty space
W= Water block
= Infinite water.
Not with snow. If you can get even one block of ice, however, you can melt that into a water block by putting a torch near it.
Thomas S