What Xbox One games should I buy?

I like games like Fallout, Skyrim, Battlefront, Minecraft, Lego Marvel, and pretty much anything Elder Scrolls.

Added (1). I absolutely hate (HATE) first person shooters like COD because there's hardly any story so any games like that are out of the question. The only game that I really enjoy with guns is Fallout because there's a good story to shooting/killing ratio and you can rely on other less lethal/craftable and more interesting weapons like the Railway Rifle or the Shishkibab.

Battlefield 4

Minecraft is a blast, COD if you like first player shooters (along with battlefield, ect, personal preference) Watchdogs is great, Skyrim for SURE, try Tomb Raider.

Super deepthroat

For multiplayer get Battlefield 4. For RPG's (games like Skyrim) get either Shadow of Mordor or Dragon Age: Inquisition, for open world get Far Cry 4, GTA V or Sunset Overdrive and for story driven Tomb Raider or Wolfenstein: The New Order.

Personally I would get Dragon Age first followed by Shadow of Mordor ond Battlefield 4. Depends on your preference though.

Shadow of Mordor or Dragon Age Inquisition. Far Cry 4 is a great 1st person shooter. It isn't like COD at all. I'm not into zombie games, but Dead Rising 3 and Dying Light are really good games. Sunset Overdrive is a good, unique game. Lego a The Hobbit was really simple and fun with a recap of the movies. Rayman Legends is free on Xbox Store right now and that is a fun side scroller.

Dragon Age Inquisition, and always get the GTA V for xbox one, its a must have lol