Okay, so… My girlfriend is gone for most of the summer, all my friends are off in distant lands. I can't get adobe after effects or Cinema 4D to work at all, minecraft isn't working. IT'S So HOT, We don't have air conditioning, the fans all are screwed up. We can't even go outside because my mom doesn't want us getting sunburn (sunscreen barely even helps) I'm stuck in my room trying to find out how to fix minecraft + cinema 4D + adobe after effects, but all the tutorials are freaking idiotic and only work with mac and windows, and I use Linux (debian) and it really sucks, also I can't find anything good on youtube or netflix. Any ideas of what else I could do?
I'm having the worst summer ever. Any ideas? Please?
Logical 09.07.2015
Sneak out of the house and go for walks.
Or if that's not possible, find a TV show online and watch all series
RYAN 09.07.2015
You could find some books, help with things to do around the house (don't think of them as "chores" or "work", though).
Heather 09.07.2015
Try to reinstall with Windows instead
Guest 09.07.2015
Try gimp in place of after effects,
jerry t 09.07.2015