Suggestions? - General lack of interest in Video Games?

Right now, I'm 16 years old. Since the age of 6-15, I'd always have video games to play that interested me. There was Pokémon, Mario, and Sonic, those kind of basic Nintendo titles that I spent my childhood playing. When I was 13, I discovered Minecraft. I basically wasted almost 3 years on that game. I stopped playing Minecraft about 10 months ago. Since then, and even before I stopped playing Minecraft, I've found it hard to become interested in any video games.

Basically, I need help finding titles that will interest me. Here is a list of games I will play without getting bored.

- Pokémon (Only once or twice in-game run through)
- Any new mario platformer (except for Wii-U)
- Dragon Ball Z games (Rpg's, action-adventure)

These are all on release, or once time playthroughs.

I don't like MMORPGS/MMOS, and am picky about RPG's in general. I will take any suggestions from ANY console/PC except for - WII-U, PS4, Xbox One.

Please, write me some suggestions. Here is a list of the steam games I own, don't send any of these. (I only ever play like 5% of the games here anyway.)

Suggestions - General lack of interest in Video Games - Suggestions - General lack of interest in Video Games - 1


Added (1). Also the Ace Attorney series! I've played and enjoyed that.

Your just growing out of them
some peopel will maintain a lifelong interest in video games
others don't

why bother forcing your self liking something you will grow bored with?

I'm not one for RPGs but Fallout 3, New Vegas and The Elder Scrolls III, IV, and V are all great.
If you like platformers check out the Mega Man series and the Mega Man X series.

I love dragon age you can buy the previous two games for PC Xbox 360 ps4 ect and the new game comes out October 7-10 depending on location on current and next gen it's defiantly worth playing very immersive and dedicated dev team and fanbase.

Any and all elder scrolls games and fallout I live for Bethesda they produce amazing gaming content.

If you like Nintendo have you checked out harvest moon? It's a sim and the newest one is quite mine craft-ish the harvest moon sim game is now story of seasons and the more mine crafty one is harvest moon they are defiantly worth a look.

Also on the Nintendo train is animal crossing it's on all Nintendo products (I think) it's a really peaceful game that runs has clock and calendar events with simple characters.

Mass Effect is an amazing rpg shooter (and I use shooter in the loosest way) the writing in fantastic the first game is so good the second is amazing I've played it 100 times (okay not really but you get the picture) me3 is mehh

Some great games are Injustice, NHL 14, and Titanfall