I try to learn how to do things i want to do via internet but i have no motivation to pay attension but i want to learn.
I'm trying to learn how to make a specific program in computercraft, tekkit (computercraft is a mod for tekkit (tekkit is a modifyed version of the video game Minecraft, it involves crafting and building things) using computers and robots that you program to do whatever)
Like i said, i try to find the resource and have no motivation to learn.
The same goes for university, i don't want to go due to the amount of self research to do and i don't learn that way, i prefer to have a teacher/tutor as i learn by asking questions and sharing ideas.
You might say i don't want to learn or wants another way to learn other than researth.
Also i plan projects but i etheir don't do them, start but never finish (or resume the project in 2 months time) or hesitate to start.
Why am i like this, its effecting my life! I expect to get answers like "ADHD/Depression" blah blah blah.
No more assumptions i want facts.
If you have an answer, please be 80% sure about it, please…
Added (1). I seem to like to be kept productive…
Also my attension span seems very short, i have no motivation to read or finish a book, even if i was enjoying it.
I seem to be forgetting words more when speaking, i have a sushpishion that it may be brain damage.
I don't smoke, do drugs nor drink excessive amounts of alcohol