On and off interest in programming, what is happening?

So every once in a while I think about learning how to do programming (say learning Java to make minecraft plugins or Lua to make Codea iOS apps) and I get pumped. I start thinking about it a lot. I get on the computer, load up a few tutorials on the language, read/watch maybe 1-2 ten minute clips, get bored, and sidetrack hard. A few hours later I'm just browsing the internet, having completely ignored the task at hand. I want to program but I seem to lack the passion for it. Am I cut out for it? (High school student)

All I can say is that I never read a programming book until I was 20. That was 40 years ago and there were no PCs. I had a required programming course in college. The dorms open a week before classes start and people usually move in to get settled in.

I bought all my books, as usual, but then started reading the programming book. I never read a book before classes started before. I read the whole book. But I didn't have access to the computer yet. When I did, I finished the first 2 assignments before the first one was due.

So, you don't seem cut out for it, from my perspective.

Now that I think of it, I may have wronged myself. I think I have been bored of all the tutorials of things I had already knew (I review stuff). I recently did a tutorial of a new thing in Java and I actually felt excitement.

Programming requires ongoing self-learning through the whole career. Not to discourage you but doesn't sound like it really excites you other than dreaming to be a programmer. It is not a path that you can do well w/o passion. When you have found your passion, you live it.

Programming is hard, mental work. Like anything that requires hard work, it helps to have something to motivate you - a realistic and meaningful result of your efforts.

I have the same sort of difficulty staying motivated to keep pushing forward when the coding gets tough.
What helps me to continue practicing is to think of interesting and useful applications of simple programming concepts. I like learning math, so I often get programming practice by creating small programs to solve basic mathematical formulas and algorithms - things that require a lot of manual calculation.

Try to solve small programming problems at a time. Don't try to approach a large unfamiliar project all at once because you will get over-whelmed and discouraged. I get turned off when I try to confront a concept that is too complicated for my current level of understanding. Its often best to leave such things alone and try something more doable, and wait until you have developed a better understanding before approaching the harder things.
Like you say, a good tutorial can break through those barriers, and get you moving forward.
I often learn a lot by embellishing tutorials by trying to improve the program and add new functions.