Son doesn't want to play baseball?

My son is 8 and has been playing baseball since he was 3 but he has no motivation for the sport and is still pretty bad at it. All he wants is to play video games which is why I don't want to take him out of baseball. When we go practice he is just literally out on the field staring out into space. When I try and give him advice on the game he says I'm picking on him or being mean which makes me angry because I'm only trying to help him. He is a husky kid at 92lbs so he is a bit slower than the rest. My husband has all but given up on him and sports but I don't want to because I want him to have the physical benefits and the social skills of working with team mates. We have tried him in Baseball, basketball, soccer, and karate he hated them all he just wants to play minecraft. How can I get him motivated? If I take away the Xbox it is WWIII.

Added (1). He has no other interests outside of video games. It is a fight to get him to go outside. We have a pool and we have to negotiate to get him in it 30 mins in the pool then 30 mins of video games. Also it is hard to explain but he is not fat he is just solid that's why I say "husky." My husband is completely against football he thinks it is dangerous, obviously he has never been hit with a baseball bat. Sports is not a "chore" he can't sit on the couch all day just because that is what he enjoys.

Okay. Since it seems like he doens't like sports. Why not try something else? Does he have an interest in art or music? Either of those would be better than him rotting his mind multiple hours a day playing video games!

*As far as keeping him active. Why not find something he likes to do at home? Maybe bike riding or roller blades. I lost of lot of my baby fat between the ages of 11 and 13 because I roller bladed almost everyday after school. (Weather permitting of course.)

Take away the Xbox for a couple weeks, try other (not team-based) sports like bike riding, hockey, skiing (depending on where you live) etc. Don't force him to "enjoy" baseball, find something he really likes.

The problem is that YOU are the one who wants him to play sports. He rightly sees it as a chore that you have imposed on him. Back off. If you want him to get into shape, go on walks with him. And stop calling him "husky" when he is really FAT (isn't he?). You might also look at other sports, where his added weight might be an asset, such as football, weight-lifting, sumo wrestling…

Forcing him to play sports is not going to help. Baseball is a particularly bad choice since it gives so much time to staring in space. If you insist on playing a sport, at least try something where he will be forced to move like soccer or basketball. Swimming might be better for him and is very good exercise.
Skating is too.

Watch his diet. I agree he needs movement but he may be eating too many of the wrong foods. Does he have friends? Don't completely take away his gaming devices but do limit the time he is allowed to spend with them.

Not all kids enjoy team sports. Just because you have a pool doesn't mean he can't go for swim lessons. It puts him in a setting with other kids and may give him a chance to shine as something he's good at building his self confidence. Tried golf? Archery? Flag football? Wrestling?
Don't be afraid to get him involved in choir or even dance classes. Lots of dance studios look for boys and if he's solid - those girls will love having the chance for lifts during a show.
Is it possible to go out as a family to a park somewhere and go for a hike? Minecraft is all about geology and you can engage him in trying to see if he can spot different minerals along a trail. How about building some kind of ramp for a bike or skateboard just in the driveway?