Should I buy both PS4 and Xbox One?

So, this week i'm Buying a playstation 4 with Battlefield 4 and Killzone Shadowfall.
Most of my friends are in Playstation but I still like the Xbox one because of dead rising 3 and titanfall ( which are exclusives). So should I buy PS4 now and Xbox One like 3 years after.
The problem is that if I buy Xbox one 3 years after or less it might make gmes like dead rising 3 be kinda old so should I only buy PS4?

Which games should I buy for PS4?

Call of duty Ghosts
Assassin's Creed 4
Watch dogs
Need for Speed Rivals

Which games should I buy for Xbox One?

Call of duty Ghosts
Assassin's Creed 4
Watch dogs
Need for Speed Rivals
Dead rising 3


I had a xbox 360 before which I'm going to sell to buy a PS4.
I got a PS3 FAT.

Just asking will GTA 5 be on next generation consoles?

I don't think they are available till after christmas

It's really depends on what you like most but here's a list

Infamous second son
Assassins creed 4

Xbox one
Call of duty ghost
Dead rising 3

If it was up to me, I wouldn't buy either until a few months after release. I would wait for the price to come down, more games to come out, and for improvements to made to each console. After that, I would roll with the XBOX One.

Go with what your friends play on and nothing has been said about GTA 5 next gen so hold onto it

PS4: Pros:
£100 cheaper
Better online community
better specs
Better service
cheaper membership that gives better deals and free games
apps are free no membership required
cross game chat is free
better track record of reliable hardware
better track record of picking up a lot of really good exclusive
longer DVR recording

MS is really good at timed COD DLC
More expensive hardware
less powerful
more expensive membership
ads on the dashboard
not that good of a track record of reliable hardware rrod
locked out of apps and cross game chat if you don't have a membership

I would go PS4 more bang for your buck