Assassin's creed, Pc or Console?

I think I'm going to buy Assassin's Creed Black Flag for $60 (Watched Gameplay and it seems amazing) but i'm debating to either get it on Console or PC, I'm constantly on my PC (8 hours a day) and Never play my Xbox, But my friend is telling me that Ill have more fun on the Xbox and ill get more out of it. I think that ill have an easier time with it on the Pc because i'm always gaming (Mostly World of Warcraft, Minecraft Other games too) and when I've played it in the past, I found it sorta confusing on the consoles but maybe that's because I just have never played it, So what's better? I want to get the most out of the game if I'm paying $60 for it.

I don't know how you'd get more out of it, seeing as both versions are the exact same game with the PC version having the best graphics if you can run it maxed.