What do I get minecraft or assassins creed 4?

I really want to get minecraft to play with my friends but I really want a console game at the same time assassin's creed 4 I can only get one please help

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Buy assissines creed 4

email me ill give you my mine craft account to play on.

Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag would be a much better choice. It is a totally different game with an extremely large area, lots of things to do and beautiful graphics. You can watch gameplay videos on youtube.com if you like but don't watch any trailer as they are not related to the game. Assassin's Creed IV will also give you a lot more gameplay hours. The story alone takes around 15 hours. Here's a link providing more information:
Hope this helps.

I would also recommend Assassin's Creed: Black Flag, hours of gameplay, insanely beautiful graphics, fun gameplay and combat, expansive open world. I can't comment on mine craft as I haven't played it, and it does have quite the following.

Here the truth, Assassins creed 4 gets boring after you get the upgrades and ****.
and Minecraft is long lasting but I quited it along ago.

Just buy minecraft.

I own and have played both games, and that at least partly depends on you.

Minecraft is a purely sandbox world. In the unmodded version it has no story, and its 'ending' just returns you to where you were. If you are creative, love exploring, or are highly self-motivating, Minecraft can be quite a bit of fun. If you like to have a plot, goal, or reason for playing (and can't make up one yourself) you should avoid it. It also has a *extensive* modding community. It's also the game that your friends are playing, so you can join them and have fun together.


Assassins Creed IV is an open world game, with a full single-player campaign and a multi-player game mode. In it you play a pre-defined character and complete the story. Sure there are some side quest (okay, a lot) but the game has a definite end point.

The multi-player game play in ACIV is real a game of hide-and-seek with weapons. The maps are pretty small so there are fewer paths that won't have someone on them.