Would you rather be nerdy or popular?

Calm down, tumblr. I'm not saying that all nerds are unpopular.
I'm a nerd and I don't care, honestly. I like being able to spend a week choosing a new phone based on it's specs rather than it's looks. I like indulging in a good book. People call me an idiot for playing Minecraft, but I like it. Yes i'm a nerd. Yes, i'd like to be able to go out with friends at the weekend. But at least i have ambitions that go further than living in a wheelie bin and working in McDonalds as a cleaner.
Cheers for reading about mi life.
From Sheffield, UK

*please answer the question

Added (1). *also, i'm the kind of 'nerd' who is in to coding, phones, games, TV and writing books etc., rather than one who likes anime and comics

I like being me, kinda that nerdy gal


Nerdy, Nerdy people get more far in life than popular people

Nerdy. While popular people go out and waste their time us nerds are getting our sh*t done so we can live successful lives.

Nerdy, popular people are only "popular" within their own little world lol

Popular. It actually is pretty awesome having everyone in my school know my name and having 50+ friends. I'm actually pretty smart, but I would rather stay popular than be labeled "nerd."

Well I'm more popular at my school then nerdy and I'm an idiot. I would much rather be nerdy. I'm a junior so I'll be cool for 2 more years… Nerds will be cool the rest of there life

