How to get fire power? Wind power would be more cool?

I would love to have fire power. Or wind power. Mostly wind power. It would be so awesome to set my hair on fire and put it out with wind. Or make a minecraft world in my backyyard… Can i get lava power?

Talk to Lava Girl or Ang and they'll help. Best of luck x

ARE YOU INSANE? Do you have any idea how much burns hurt? Don't even think about letting fire near your hair and skin. Find a safer outlet. Fire demands respect. That said, of course there are lots of (safe) things you can do with the elements. Fire requires adult supervision, and if you earn respect, people will help you with these plans. Do something stupid and no one will ever help you experiment. BTW at first the wind will make the fire worse and burn your head before it puts it out. So try it in a controlled environment with a wig (and adult supervision). Maybe order some fire-resistant spray and put it on another wig and test the spray out for effectiveness. I ordered some fromAmazon to put on a halloween costume I was making (because of all the lit candles that would be around). I found out it was basically just glue and baking soda. If you do it right, and safely, you could put youtube videos out that might save lives. Michael Jackson's hair caught on fire; you can see the video; even though they put it out fast, he was painfully burned.