Why won't my horses mate in Minecraft?

I gave them both a golden carrot and they didn't mate or anything? I checked the wiki and it said you could use golden apples or carrots and I don't have any apples so I used carrots. Any ideas?

Are they both fully grown horses? Also you need to stand back, unlike other animals they don't breed when you're close to them. It also takes around 1 minute for them to breed.

Also some horses are infertile -
Sterile- can't breed and won't accept pumkins.
Fertile- can breed and does accept pumkins.

I myself I have 1 idea even though I have not yet done this. This is including the mod mo, creatures. If you are trying to breed a regular Minecraft horse and a mo, creatures horse then give the mo, creatures horse a pumkin and give the regular horse a 1. Golden carrot 2. Golden apple and then stand back or they won't breed. If you have bad memory my suggestion is to wright a Minecraft book about it. Good day

I have done this once and I wanted to say give them both a golden carrot or apple if you don't stand back they tend to not breed. It also take in the middle of 0-1 minutes to breed.

If you have any other questions feel free to ask

I did all of that and it did not work

Do you Think that maybe there are too many horses in the world?

Do you Think that maybe there are too many horses in the world?

My horses won't breed either. I feed them both a golden apple and they go into love mode but no horse appears. What should I do?

My horses won't breed either. I feed them both a golden apple and they go into love mode but no horse appears. What should I do?

Horses that have been sped up by feeding can't breed until 30 miknutes after the horse was born. This is due to Minecraft not realizing that the horse is grown.

I have breeded horses before, have you tried an encanted golden apple?

Why won't my horses eat golden apples or carrots?

I have tried to breed and have done it before on pe and it never says there are too many horses because it won't work on any maps does anyone know what's going on

My 4 horses all bread and made two horses and I tried to bread them and it didn't work they were tamed and fully grown

My horses won't breed I have tried everything

I want to join but I can't!

My horses are not breeding and I'm trying everything but it won't work

My horse won't breed i've tried everything