Why does everything I like die?

There are so many amazing things out there. Games, companies, family, animals, etc. But they all die.

Let's see - the environment is dying for many reasons. Microsoft is dying because people aren't smart enough about computers and use the basic things. My favorite games are dying because people would rather play Minecraft which you could substitute towards tangible Legos. A lot of my family members are getting old. My TV shows are getting poor ratings, like Extant, because I'm guessing everyone is ADHD and can't focus on the show because it's mysterious and quiet.

Why is society like this? Why do they prefer other things for stupid reasons? Like can't you admit that we're killing the environment for dumb reasons? That people should really learn more about computers so the techies could have a life? Play real Legos instead of playing a game that's killing others? Actually listening to the TV show?


Because everybody thinks the things they like are the best. I don't understand minecraft either. All of my favorite tv shows have been cancelled. I was so sad when they cancelled firefly. But instead of keeping Firefly alive, they chose to keep shows like the Simpsons and Family guy long past their welcome. In the end we'll all just have to deal with it.

We're wrecking the environment because there are too many people in office who don't care enough to start putting restrictions on big corporations. I suspect they are being paid off.

All good things come to an end.