I didn't do anything wrong to them… Like for example:
1. Everyone hates minecraft at school because i play it
2.someone wrote some gossip about me in the bathroom
3.people say "shut up" for no reason to me
4. People throw stuff at me.

Why are kids so undeserving to live these days? And the funny thing is- the teacher doesn't care. Please tell me how to make them stop other than ignoring, since it doesn't work.


Stand up for yourself and let them know (or make them think) that you are above the bullying. I once witnessed a kid being bullied on the L (I got the impression they all attended the same school but didn't know each other that well) by a few other guys and he finally stood up and clapped and said something like "Oh great. You have shown us all that you have such a immense command of the English language (most of the words the bullies were using were 4 letter words) and are apparently so frightened of me that it takes 3 of you to confront me. I'm not sure what I ever did to make you feel so scared of my presence but rest assured you misunderstood. I'm no threat. I don't even know you so I certainly mean you no harm. So please, sit and relax. I will not harm you". The bullies were taken aback and though they started in with "we're not scared of you" the more this kid talked, the more quiet they got. Some of the people sitting around started to laugh (as did I) and he even looked at one older man and said "I don't seem frightening, do I?" and the man shook his "no" and was grinning ear to ear.

I have no idea what happened later or the next day but that guy diffused that situation by pretty much showing everyone he was smarter than they were.

If they throw something at you, pick it up and say something like "thanks, I have been looking for one of these". If they say "shut up" say I "Oh I'm sorry, I was not actually talking. Perhaps you were hearing voices in your head. You might want to get that checked out"

Gossip being written about on the bathroom stalls is not uncommon. You can't do much about that because to answer it, you would have to write something else on the stall and that is defacing property and I would avoid that if I were you. No one takes things on bathroom walls seriously.

I'm guessing people hate minecraft because they hate minecraft and you simply happen to like it. Most people do not like or dislike a video game because another person hates it, let alone a whole school.

However, you might want to examine why you are a target and perhaps work to change something. Do you talk too much? Are you too quiet? Are you too studious? Are you not studious enough? Bullying is NEVER the fault of the victim but sometimes things we do can make us targets and self reflection might help as well.

You need to stand up for your rights, you might even have to kick on of your bullies ***.

Don't try and match up to their standards; set your own, deviate, and people will come to you.

You're a weak target because you won't stand up for yourself until you do they won't stop.