Should I beat up a bully?

Okay, so there's some 6th graders in my middle school that are really annoying and play roblox or minecraft or some cringy game like that. Anyway, some older kids give them a hard time and shove them. And that's too far for me. But here is the thing, i'm the biggest kid out of my grade and the 8th grade. (i'm in 7th). I'm 6 ft, and pretty built, so everyone takes me seriously. But these bullies just won't leave these kids alone. I've told them to knock it off, and they did. But when I left I saw one of them start kicking the kid. I've told the teachers, but they are all to lazy to do ****. So I saw this bully start hitting these little kids today, and I walked up and shoved the bully, and yelled at him. (I was beyond pissed). But this bully got up and tried to swing at me, so I shoved him back down, then he got up and ran away. The other bully who is older, but weak and shorter, tried to punch me, but I twisted his arm really hard and he friggin' cried about it. He told me to fight him tomorrow, me vs. His stupid buddies. But I know I might really hurt someone on accident. I'm 6 ft, 145 ib., and pretty built I guess. I don't want to accidentally give this dude a concussion and get my family sued or something. There's this really cool cop that works on campus, but I couldn't find him. So, I have two choices. Watch little 6th graders get beat up, or beat the living **** out of 8th graders. I think I know my choice, but what's your opinion?

A long time ago, in a school district far away…

One time, when I was "the new kid in school", a bully saw me coming out of the computer lab and thought that I was going to provide him with hours of entertainment that year.

He learned otherwise. Some geeks can hit hard. (He was bigger than I was; I *had* to start the fight, and make it count.)

Word got around, and none of the local bullies bothered me the rest of my time in that school.

No regrets. But that was before schools had "zero tolerance" polices, and before they had police ("school resource officers") on campus.

Do what you think is right, and be prepared to pay the consequences.


Tell the principal these guys are bullying these kids and the resource cop needs to take care of it. Not you.

No! Beating up someone is not the right thing, it will only just cause more problems. I think you should tell the principle or a teacher etc if he/she is being mean to you or bullying you. Maybe talking to them can help telling them why you so mean to me or why you bullying me after i have done nothing to you".
