Why do people always play minecraft game? I think it's a boring and distracting game?

Why do people always play minecraft game? I think it's a boring and distracting game? - 1

Ever played the multiplayer? Thats why lel

People enjoy being creative and expressing themselves. Survival is fun and good to pass time

People play minecraft because they do not find it boring or distracting; rather they find it enjoyable. Amazing!

I have never.
But when I watch YouTube videos, young kids do.

I have to agree with you on the boring part my little sister plays it a lot and it never appealed to me but I guess some people just don't run out of stuff to do but I would.

Obviously they don't think it's boring.

Not all games are going to be interesting for all people. So you don't like Minecraft. That's fine. Just play the games that you find interesting.

Why do people play simcity

For me personally, I play it because it is relaxing & a great outlet for creativity…

As someone who has always been into "building" games (RCT, Sim City, The Sims, etc), this game fits perfectly into my preferred genre. I absolutely love coming home after a long/stressful day at work & working on my current creation. The relaxing music & just the concept of placing the blocks to form something architecturally pleasing really helps me unwind.
In the rare occasion that I have a very bad day, Minecraft even allows me to blow off a little steam! Filling my creation with tnt (after making a backup) typically does the trick.
Similar to the disasters in rct & Sim City.

TV in my opinion is too passive, and first person shooters (well really, anything that requires my full attention) are too active. I see Minecraft as a good compromise between the two.

My general gameplay is a very relaxed creative mode. Typically split-screen with a movie or TV show.

It's only as boring as your own imagination.