Why can't I play video games without getting completely obsessed?

I really don't play video games that often. But whenever I do, I tend to get addicted and obsessed with whatever game I'm playing rather quickly. Particularly with the game Minecraft. At one point in my life, I was basically playing Minecraft for over 10 hours a day. And the scary thing is, once I get wrapped up in playing games, hours fly by, and before I know it, the game becomes my top priority. I quit playing video games, because I'm convinced that my mind doesn't have the ability to play video games in moderation. I'm just not wired like that. I'm like that with everything… Music, movies, writing, art, etc. When I find enjoyment out of something, I push it to the ultimate limit. There are no middle grounds, if you get what I'm saying. So overall, I simply don't play video games, or Minecraft anymore, because I know how addicting they can be for a person like me. I know that sounds lame. But it's the truth.

"When I find enjoyment out of something, I push it to the ultimate limit. There are no middle grounds, if you get what I'm saying"

Well, that's your answer: You enjoyed playing games compared to your other hobbies…

If you want to stop playing, then you need to commit and control yourself, since it's the only way to do it. But it's best that you didn't cut it entirely right away, but by gradually reducing your playtime.

The easiest way to do this is by setting your TV to limit your playtime, or by setting an alarm on your phone/clock. Or you create a schedule, and fill it with other activities beside gaming.

The hard way involves other people reminding you about your gaming time, like your friends or family. But you surely didn't want this, right?

The bottom line is you need to commit on doing this, and be strict on yourself. Because if you didn't willing to do it, you'll ended up nowhere.