Why am I always either really bored or really excited?

(I'm a 12 year old girl btw just to help you out) i get bored really easily but then ill remember something then get excited (or something like that) then in a few minutes ill be bored again. (This normally only happens at home) at home I'm normally always 80% bored and then the other 20% ill get excited for a bit for some reason. At school I'm normally never bored. However, when i first get to school i'm bored (probably from home) then I get more excited and happy later on. Shouldn't be the other way around? It could be because my life has a routine like: I wake up go to school then come home and eat food, watch a new minecraft video on youtube, play woozworld for a bit (A online virtual world), then play minecraft or little big planet 2 then my parents get home then I have dinner, and go to bed. This repeats for every day of the week (besides sunday and saturday) on saturday I go to acting class and on sunday I do nothing and on sunday is the most boring day EVER!

please explain this and give me some advice.

Dear Child,

it is quite normal at this age since adolescence is the period of stress and storm. As your mind is totally confused with the present activities compare with your experience already you have got in your life. I understood that you don't have intimate relation even within your family. Life is covered with love and affection of the beloved ones.whoever it may be just be true with them then you can be able to understand the reality. Once if you realized the surroundings then you can reach the destiny of your life.God bless u my child for your all happiness. No man/woman is restricted with sorrows and pains. They are fully allowed to enjoy their life really if they feel happy in that. If you are not happy then leave the rest of the things to god which he will take care of the same. One fine day you will find all your happiness in front of your true conscious. If you are not able to understand my opinions please revert back.