I'm a bored growing teenager and i don't have anything to do.im bored

I don't have friends
league of legends is already boring
minecraft is also boring
i hate water
i don't like going out of my house
i want to watch movies and shows on my computer but i don't feel like it
i'm so bored and have nothing to do.
also i still learn in school even if its summer brake because i need it, and its depressing -.-
i just have stuff to do but i don't feel like doing anything but i'm so bored. Help
oh and i'm anti social
and imma girl

I used to be like you… What you need to do is enjoy learning. Get a saturday job at like a salon or something and you'll find that you want free time etc. I don't really know where you are in terms of your education but if you push yourself the furthur step then it will make your mentality tired and active. Oh and watch the series of sherlock after that make a fan acocount write fanfic blah blah, its taken over my life

Why don't you get a new hobby or have you got any family you could go and see try and make your self busy it will pass time. Please answer my question

My suggestions is go out with your friends, or discover a new talent or interest. You can learn a new instrument, get into certain types of music, start collecting things, try some community service, do something around the house, clean up, yard work, and there are many things.

Go play out, enjoy learning, do cooking, and get a part time job,
Join a gym or swimming classes.

Oh lord your question is like a description of myself. I know the struggle, can we get bored to death or what?

You should take up some hobbies.
Set yourself some goals or something. Like say, this summer I want to read 3 books or learn to play guitar, learn to cook or exercise 3 times a week. Anything you want
Its good to have goals because otherwise you won't have anything to work towards.
If you're bored - get yourself a job. It won't exactly be fun but you'll get experience and after the summer you'll be glad of it because you'll have money and its something to occupy your time with.

I have the same problem. Presumably you have a computer though haha. I spend a lot of time browsing the web. When I get bored it's fun answering questions here of course, but it's also good to pick up other hobbies. I play piano and dance in my spare time, and I also run a tumblr blog which can be pretty fun!
YouTube videos are a great way to pass time as well! YouTube user vsauce makes some really cool videos- one series I like in particular is called DONGs, or, stuff you can Do Online Now Guys xD he usually lists some pretty cool websites. He used to post them on his main channel, now you can find the videos on vsauce3. I linked to one down below. I'll also link to a reddit thread filled with interesting websites, so check those out! Reddit is also an excellent website to waste time on.
If all else fails you can buy a video game off steam or something. Video games always make time go by faster for me.

Volunteer or try some workout classes!