Which operating system should I choose?

Okay my mom said since i will study information technology next year she will buy me an laptop and she will pay 700$- 600$ So which operating system should i use mac or windows or linux?
I will be playing games in my free time!
Like outlast, minecraft…

Honestly you'll learn more about how computers work from a Linux OS than the others (followed by Mac, and then Windows), because while there are now good GUI options it's often still a better option to fire up the ol' console and do some command line stuff.

But games wise, the order is probably reversed. Windows is still the biggest, and the platform for which most games are natively published. But that's slowly changing, and now many games are natively Mac or Linux compatible. Minecraft and Outlast are - I just checked - available on all three platforms, however. If you want games, probably Windows. If you want gaming then go for windows Windows I'd say windows… Both for game playing and for any software you'll need for school… Get a Mac. You can run all 3. Linux ;-) am running openSUSE on my machines, some of the users busy gaming using STEAM.

If you want games, probably Windows.

If you want gaming then go for windows


I'd say windows… Both for game playing and for any software you'll need for school…

Get a Mac. You can run all 3.

Linux ;-) am running openSUSE on my machines, some of the users busy gaming using STEAM.