Which of these computers is best for a college student who also does minor gaming?

Ok, i'm a new college student who is in need of a laptop i plan to use it for homework, note taking, and then minor gaming, nothing crazy like battlefield but not just minecraft. I have come upon a few i'm not trying to spend all my money on one either i was hoping to stay under 600 but i didn't see very many choices at all in that price range. My new max is 700. These are some that i have found but i'm not suer if they will do what i want them too. Would they? Which would be best? Or does anyone know a better deal?



Added (1). there are the links individual


The ones you are looking at don't have their own graphics cards, and just use the integrated one included with the processor, which is NOT ideal for a decent gaming experience as you wanted. You must look for a laptop that has an AMD or Nvidia graphics card. Here are some ones that i found:

The geforce gt 740 m and intel i5 synergize great together, and will give you a great gaming experience on old games, and some newer games on lower settings. It will also be super fast on school-work computing. The memory and space is more than enough too.

If you extended your budget by like 20 bucks, you could get an actual 900 dollars mid ranged gaming laptop thats only $719, and will beast through old and run new games fines, and will do other computer tasks. Its a pretty amazing deal, and lenovo is known for their high reliability, 24/7 tech support, and great build quality and parts for the price. I would settle for it if i were you.