Which graphics card should I get? - 1

Which graphics card should I get?


Or this:


How much fps will I get with games like minecraft or etc?

Which is best? Please tell me why you think it's best!

Hello the 750ti is like a GTX 660 on steroids. If you have the budget for it I'd spend the extra $60 and go with the GTX 760. Either card will play Minecraft at excellent frame rates however the GTX 760 will provide that extra bit of future proofing and allow you play more demanding games at a better quality and higher FPS.

Either one. Those cards are overqualified for minecraft. Maya is right about the future proofing.

The GTX 760 is considered one of the best bang-for-buck graphics cards on the market and simply IS better than the 750Ti. However, the 760 does require direct power from the power supply and the power supply that comes in standard pre-built PCs are not enough to meet the recommended requirement.

It's definitely worth it to get the 760