What would you do if someone destroyed your minecraft diamond house?

What would you do if someone destroyed your minecraft diamond house?

If it was a complex house ooh destroy all their houses

Nothing, I'd deserve it for making a diamond house. Who even does that anymore? That's something people did when minecraft first came out

Build a new one.

I might check server logs to see who did it (as I would only do this on a private server), but I probably wouldn't do anything long-term as I'd probably be in creative mode to build such a house (which I did create as the Mayor's Mansion for a gambling-heavy town, where a Colosseum & night-time flashing in-ground street lights).

I'd most likely chew out the player responsible for the destruction & might kick them off the server for a few days (to ensure the rebuild or server rollback), but that's about it.

1. Find out who it was.
2. Be relly nice to them
3. Build your self a trap with some nice stuff that looks valuable (Diamonds, just laying around)
4. Invite your *coughs victim* new *thief* friend over
6. Do you smell revenge
7.Buid another one
Alternative method
When you find the not so nice person who did this you can make a blacklist (WARNING THIS IS NOT NICE:-D

Kill everyone around me then myself

Play Roblox instead

Are they mining it and using the diamonds? Because if that is so I would get them back


Are they purely destroy every single block to nothing? Then they are gone there's nothing to do besides to start mining for more

Get mad

I wouldn't like it