What to buy with Christmas Cash?

Okay so, this year for christmas my family did not know what to get me, so they gave me money ( i'm the youngest of a BIG family lol) so, in total this year i got €400 ( roughly around $550, or £340) believe me, i'm overwhelmed to get so much! I told my family i just wanted a nice christmas with everyone, that i didn't want gifts. I'm just looking for suggestions on what to buy? I have a ipad ( with tons of apps and music) a laptop ( which i play Minecraft on A LOT) a pretty standard phone, but its no big deal cause i don't use it much, just to call people to get home from college and such, i went clothes shopping before christmas ( got lots of clothes and shoes) my friends got me jewelry and perfume and stuff like that, so, yea, i'm pretty lost for ideas:/ any suggestions?

A nice new comforter set? A betta fish for your dorm or apartment? I really don't know…

Wow that's a lot of money. Maybe you could just keep it aside until you find something that you want. You don't need to spend it right away, maybe put it in the bank until you're ready to use it.

You can never go wrong with clothes! But, if you don't want anything I would just save it until there's something you do want.


You Don't Know To Spend The Funds For Christmas Really Surprise.
One Day Guruji Called To Arjuna See The Big Golden Hill From The Sunrise Till the Sunset Donate To Anybody And Finish It Today Only. He Cuts Little And Little Called Many But He Couldn't Complete The Golden Hill Was Still Remains He Agreed The Failiure Dhan (gift) To Others.
Next Day Guruji Called To Karnna To Donate The Golden Hill Your Time Is Till Sunset Today.
Karnna Searched All Over There He Couln't Find Peoples To Donate The Gold.Lastly He Found One-
Wood Cutter Comes To Near To Him He Donated Whole Golden Hill In Once To the Wood Cutter.Guruji Seen The Amazing Actions Of Karnna You Are The Real Donator Forever.(gifts) He Prised Him And blessed him.

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