I'm so lonely even on christmas?

I litteraly have no friends not even 1 and I never had a girlfriend in my life and I'm 15… On christmas my aunt came over but she dosnt even talk to me… I have no cousins that are my age there either too small like around 8 or too big like 20 or 18 and they don't want to talk to me. The only cousins I have around my age are in nevada or texas and i'm from california… I stay in the room the whole day asking questions or playin minecraft on my ps3 and I'm really tired of this life sometimes I wish I would die just to have an adventure but I committed blasphemy and that is unforgivable I litteraly said 'f you god'f u jesus' and f u holy spirit and now i'm going to hell and i'm really scared.many people who say they are lonely are not they are maybe just sad because they broke up but atleast they have that story to tell I don't even have a story like that. So my questions are am I going to hell and should I kill myself and how do I get a girlfriend as ugly as me

Right, so I can't tell if this is a trol or not (forgive me for thinking it may be, if it isn't, please! ^-^!) but I'm going to answer, because I kind of promised someone that I'd help them where ever they are as long as I recognized them as who they are… You may be this being ^-^!

Do not kill yourself. It isn't the right thing to do, and since you don't know what's coming then isn't it best to have an adventure in this world than risk a hell in the next? Also, it teaches in the Bible that if you ask trully for forgiveness, then you shall be forgiven. You sound truthful in your regret--ask God for forgiveness.

Now, here's my plan. You need a real-life adventure. Ergo, get supplies (real supplies, like canned food, a tin opener, blankets, a sleeping bag, string, pocket knife etc.) and go out into the world! I know you're young (1yr older than me) but I think it's what you need. Go out and camp the night away from home.

Join a club or learn a musical instrument? I assume you're still in school, so if you trully have no friends then you can find the miss-fits group who are full of the weirdos who have been pushed away and formed their own awesome group (like my group ^-^) and ask to eat with them and ask to be around them. Maybe find the girl miss-fit group who are likely to accept you… Though they may not because they could just be b*tches. A lot of the time, the miss-fits are going to accept new-comers because they know what it's like to be pushed away and have noone… If you find a group of girls then a) one may find that you're their crush, b) you may find you like someon and c) you're going to be able to work on your girl-talking-to skills (if that made sense) and be better at chatting up girls in the future ^-^!

Don't worry

Everyone says blasphemy is an unforgivable sin right after they tell you he forgives all. I believe Jesus would forgive you in understanding because people can tell you things but its your relationship with God, not theirs. They aren't ever gonna be sure so ask God and find out yourself, you'll know the answer about if you are forgiven or not. Don't kill yourself, your life isn't yours to take as you didn't give it to yourself, your God has a plan for your life, don't put a stop to it yet before the good stuff happens. Girlfriends aren't too important. I'm almost 14 (girl btw) and never had a boyfriend, I've had to say no to too many guys. If you want a girl you'll always be happy with, wait to find the one that your soul connects with, because that's the one you will know is meant to be a part of your life.