What to buy my family for Christmas?

So, I'm 17, and I don't have a ton of money. I can only afford to spend $20-$30 on each person in my family, so don't recommend anything that's really out of that price range (a little over is okay, but don't tell me to get something that's like $200).

I'm having trouble coming up with something to get my dad and my sister. My dad has always been hard to buy for, as he's really picky, and not into typical dad stuff. He works in construction but hates his job, he's into fantasy football, and loves decorating the bar we have in our basement. His dream is to own a bar. Last year I got him some signs for his bar, so I don't want to get him the same thing, and I made him a bunch of CD's for his birthday, though I considered making him another one as part of the present. I also thought about getting him cologne, but he only wears it on special occasions, so i don't know. Other things about him: he likes board games/card games, is bad with technology, and he actually cares about his appearance despite working in construction.

As for my sister, she's 13 and in 8th grade. She doesn't wear make-up, and only wears clothes that are black or gray. She's really really into YouTube and Twitter and watches a lot of minecraft videos. She doesn't go anywhere without her iPod because she always has to be tweeting something or watching Youtube. I want to get her something nice because she's been stressed out at school lately and has had a rough year, but I'm at a total loss.

Any ideas are appreciated!

You could get your sister New ipod case. And maybe get your dad some cool shot glasses or maybe a gift card to a favorite restaurant. Hope I helped.

Xmas shopping already? Wow. Get your dad a secret recording device or some other cool lil gadget… Get your sister a new kids on the block greatest hits cd tell her thy are a new band lol

For dad maybe some shot glasses. I seen a shot glass chess game which is cool. Some after shave or new shaver.

Sister gift card new ear studs for iPod. Nice gray or black sweater.

Get them some free flu shots.