What's so fun about minecraft?

A couple girls I watch (6 and 8) and a few of their friends play it and love it. I honestly don't see what the hype is about. I played for about 5 minutes and was bored.

Minecraft has mostly no purpose. It is a boredom breaker. Although, I found Minecraft much more fun when my cousin helped me out. The first time you play it isn't fun because you have no idea what you are doing.

Chocolate. No, vanilla. No, strawberry. Different strokes for different folks. I play it with my girls all the time.

Mine craft at first can be boring, but once you explore servers and get mods, it is really fun. Try tekkit launcher for mods

You can built your own world and you try to survive…

It's actually very fun if you give it a chance. Sure it's boring at first but after a while you'll like it. Unless you keep getting killed by creepers. If you do play again know this: If you see a walking hedge like thing coming at you, RUN! That is a creeper and you will die and want revenge.