When I run Bandicam for recording Minecraft, I usually set it to Low-End PC preset, but when I looked at the playback of my video, it looked as low quality as ever! It also was very laggy and I could barely run Minecraft while recording! Minecraft was as fast as ever when I stopped recording. What the hay?
What is the best Low-End PC, HD quality, great for YouTube, setting for Bandicam?
Lisa 13.02.2016
You need a powerful pc to record gameplay. To record gameplay that you are also playing on the computer, you'll need an even more powerful rig, especially if you want hd.
Chris 15.02.2016
You don't need that much of a powerful PC, but you do need it to run properly. I suggest downloading a Minecraft Mod Loader called Forge, and download a mod called OptiFine. That will make Minecraft run better, unless you set the settings to quality, not performance. For Bandicam, I suggest setting the quality to 100, not 80, and FPS as 20. That should make things a little better. Other than that, I'm not sure what I can do for you.
- Bandicam Specialist & Minecraft Specialist
Knuckles 15.02.2016