How do i know if a Laptop is good for low quality gaming such as cs: go at lowest settings, sims and Minecraft

My budget is $200 to $300 and i know i can build a pc for a little extra but i want something portable.

Depends on the laptop. If it has a half-way decent graphics chip, it should be.

I'm sorry to state that your budget is too low for a laptop that would be capable of covering your desired games at a reasonable framerate (30 fps or higher). The main reason is that laptop components are more custom-made instead of using more standard designs, which makes it difficult to find such components in the secondary markets at a reasonable price.

On the desktop side, you're going to be dealing purely in the secondary markets for all your components with your budget. It's a tough challenge, but it can be done since you'll have to haggle a lot for the desired pieces.

If you really want a laptop, you'll likely want to save around $800+ for a mid-range system that will definitely hit your desired performance.