Tired of fnaf fandom and fake gamers?

I know so many people who play fnaf and minecraft and call themselves ''true gamers''… First of all… Fnaf fandom: I was a fnaf fan, yes. Why did i left the fandom? Because annoying 12 year old fanboys and fangirls. You can't go anywhere without seeing fnaf related comments. It's annoying, won't you agree? Secondly fake gamers: They are people that say **** like ''I'm 10 AND I'm A REAL GAMER. I PLAY COD MINECRAFT AND FNAF'' … So just what is your opinion on this?

Seems to me that this is either a misguided question that should really be a blog post, you're just looking for someone to agree with you or you are flame baiting to find an argument.

In either case, this is not the place.

Mojang's Minecraft is fine it's just the purest form of a sandbox title that has no larger purpose other then build something like eight bit legos, Five Nights at Freddy is just annoying like any other Internet based 'Scary' game that has become popular.

Although the term 'Real Gamer' varies there's no way I could categorize The People who only play Battlefield, Call Of Duty, Five Nights at Freddy and Minecraft as 'Real Gamers' or 'Gamers' in general. It would be like categorizing PewDiePie or Anita Sarkeesian as one, just no.

Are you 13 years old?