Minecraft Virus, fake login screen?

Going to tell the whole story: I attempted to get a nodus mod. No excuses here no matter what I say but I really would appreciate some help. After i "successfully" installed the "mod", (virus:/), the game launched like normal… At first… Then the following screen pops up:

Minecraft Virus, fake login screen

Obviously this isn't legit right? Well, I've tried uninstalling Minecraft, but then it just re-installs four objects in the.minecraft Roaming folder:

An empty Versions folder
A.jar labeled Launcher
Launcher.pak file
and launcher_profiles.json

I've done some troubleshooting. I've COMPLETELY uninstalled java, then reinstalled it. More than once… Point being that I'm becoming infuriated due to this problem.

I can't play minecraft: I assume this launcher will just take my information, so there's no way in all H*** I'll enter my info in that box. Can anyone please help me?

Minecraft launcher 1.3.8
Minecraft Vrs. 1.7.4

Computer specs aren't really needed so no info given. Ask and I will give them as long as a proper reason to do so is given. This I hope can be resolved quickly…

Well first, how did you go about re-installing minecraft? Here's the process that I would do in a situation such as this -

go to the roaming folder and completely delete the.minecraft folder. Now delete the minecraft shortcut. Now go to minecraft.net and download a new exe and install.

Once you do this, it should be fine to input your info. The screenshot you posted was the official login screen (I can get the exact same one as you by logging out)