Is Herbrine real or fake?

At first I thought Herobrine was fake, but now I have experienced something strange. I was just playing Minecraft like normal, on a map I downloaded, No mods either! I heard a strange noise, so I looked it up on Google what it was some answers said Herobrine and some said it was a glitch. After that I had looked up Herobrine sounds and it was the same thing I had heard. What could have happened? Was it Herobrine or a glitch? Is it possible that Herobrine could have came with the map? I need some help. If it was Herobrine how do I kill him?

Please DON'T TELL ME YOU ACTUALLY BELIEVE IN THAT! OMG that reminds me of the story about the 2 12 year olds that killed their best friend over slenderman SLENDERMAN for pete sake! Herbrine is just a myth i swear. OMG you can't kill him cause he DOESN't EXIST! Ah minecraft these days; turns people crazy!