Is there actually a place where there's a jungle on one side of a line, and then a desert on the other, like the ones in Minecraft?
It's not that I'm trying to prove this Minecraft biome possibility, but I want to write a story with that kind of setting, if it's real.
Point between the green and the desert?
Anon 30.04.2015
I don't think so. Minecraft is not subject to factors like percipitation rate, fauna diversity, and temperature.
Here you have a plain desert that gets hot by day, cold by night. The climate is harsh, so the wildlife is focused on conservation and efficiency.
Next to that you'd have a jungle with mild percipitation, moise air, and a lot more plant life that requires very different conditions. In the real world there are some biomes that don't go together.
Even as I look this subject up, Minecraft is highly mentioned.
Tien 30.04.2015
Not unless there's a big mountain range in-between
sarah7ann 30.04.2015