Is there any way i can get a fairly cheap gaming computer?

I'm still in highschool and the money from work is going towards paying for a home when i'm old enough so i don't really wanna spend much money. I'm looking for anything under 200 that i can use to play minecraft, that's all i'm wanting it for, too, just minecraft so if anyone has where i can get a cheap laptop that will let me play minecraft really well in arkansas for less than 200 i'd greatly appreciate it

Get a ps3 instead, it should be around 200 plus the game which is 14 bucks

You mean a computer to play Minecraft, rather than a cheap gaming computer. Assume you mean $200.
That would be used computers on Craigslist.
Too low a number to suggest anything. Use CAN I RUN and fill in the data to get performance.

Minecraft doenst require a top spec pc however your average desktop will cost you more than what your looking for however you may consider watching this pc build around 200$

You can't get a gaming computer for $200 but you can get a decent enough pc to run minecraft