Minecraft 1.8 isn't working properly?

When i try and load a world it doesn't load textures properly, the trees are black, the world under my feet is clear, with lava and water showing. Animals seem to have skins even the achievement page isn't working. I've tried to what a little to see if it loads and iv'e tried deleting all the minecraft folders located at %appdata% (except saves). Also when generating/loading world the green loading bar doesn't appear at all. Using a resource pack didn't fix problem either
i would much appreciate if some one could help me out.

This is most likely an issue with your graphics card, as AMD graphics cards have been having rendering issues with Minecraft 1.8. All you can do is to hope that the devs will try to fix this, and also most servers will not update to minecraft 1.8 for a while as all the plugins need to be updated and made compatible with 1.8.

The WillPack resource pack by William Male is a resource pack that adds a lot of variety to Minecraft. More than upgrading textures, it adds different textures for the same blocks. For instance, standard bookshelves all look the exact same in Minecraft when playing normally. With WillPack HD resource pack installed and enabled, there are three different textures for bookshelves. Suddenly your enchanting room doesn't look quite so boring, right? That's just the start with WillPack. Surprisingly, WillPack manages to change a lot about the look of Minecraft while maintaining a small and fast 32x resolution, which allows many players to use it.