What is the quickest, easiest way to make a Minecraft server for the PC?

My three friends and I want to make a server for just us. Does anyone know a way to do so?

The easiest way to make a Minecraft server is making a LAN server. You can use two prgrams. Hamachi (which is the worst thing ever made in my opinion) or Evolve. So with Evolve make an account and download and install the program (and have your friends do it too) then add them all into your party and have them right click your name in the party and copy IPV address 4. Then you start up a game in single player then press escape and go down to "open to LAN" once you open it to LAN there should be a ":" and few digits in the bottom left corner. Then your friends will have to go to multiplayer and add server and paste your ip address (ctrl + v) then ": the digits" and join. It sounds complicated but it really isn't I will link Evolve and if you still need help or want to set up a bukkit or the official minecraft server feel free to ask and I will be glad to help.


You can use MinecraftCore Server its a pretty small file just run it on the host PC. Its really easy to load plugins and everything. It starts to lag if you have over 20 people running on it but if its just your friends it'll work really well. http://rdevmobile.com/Core.exe