What can I do to stop people from dos'ing me?

Okay so if someone could help me I would be so great full.

So what happened is that I play minecraft, and on a faction server. There's a lot of pvp (player vs player) and you are not allowed to log, as in leave the game before you die so you can keep your armor. So there's a plugin that kills you if you log. So one day i skyped someone, and then he left, he asked to 1v1 so I did. Right when we started my Internet shut off and I got killed due to "logging" even though I just got disconnected. So he asked to go again, and I said yes, this went on 2 more times and I asked if he dos'd me and he said yes. Now he gave my ip to more people and I keep getting disconnected when I pvp. What can I do?
P.s I have a belkin router

1. Never talk to anyone on skype that you do not know.

2. I suggest you change your IP Address.
